Fresh Beat Band of Spies Wiki

The Fresh Beat Band of Spies theme song is a song played before every episode of Fresh Beat Band of Spies.


All: Get your spy on! (Get your spy on.)

Twist and Shout: You're on a mission with a-Twist and Shout!

All: Shout!

Kiki and Marina: Kiki and Marina spy it up to work it out!

All: Out!

Bounce with our sidekick Bo.

Gadgets on the go!

Who's the first at the scene of the crime?

Fresh Beats!

Solving the mystery, every time.

Trouble's no match for the Fresh Beat Band of Spies!

Shout: Get your hands up high.

Kiki: Find a cool disguise!

All: Fresh Beat Band of Spies.

Get your spy on!





  • Four out of seven main characters sing the song (Bo Monkey, Commissioner Goldstar and Reed do not sing). Although Bo is seen at some points in the theme song, Commissioner Goldstar and Reed do not appear during the entire title sequence.